Mini Assignment 5: The Art of Seeing

Purpose: To Practice the Art of Seeing (Click on images and hover to reveal caption information)

Reflections: This exercise was much more difficult than I thought it would be. It was really hard to create ten decent different images in a row without moving. But I liked the challenge. I found a spot at Mt. Auburn Cemetery that looked promising and planted a foot! It was late afternoon so the light was changing. In retrospect I should have set the camera to aperture priority. If I had I might have needed to fiddle with my settings between each image. This may have helped me to create more better exposed images and allowed me to focus more on the composition. My favorite image is the last—a reflection in the pond (image 10). I love the interesting way the surrounding trees are reflected in the water and the variations of the greens against the water. The tree branch helps to clarify what is happening. Visually it is most interesting. I also liked the leaf shadows against the blue sky above me (image 7). The leaves created an interesting diagonal pattern against the sky. Overall I didn’t feel my composition in many of the images was particularly strong. Throughout the exercise I felt the urge to get closer, move slightly…but stuck to the parameters of the exercise. Although I felt I spent a fair amount of time on this exercise I also recognized that in the future I might want to spend more time looking before shooting a scene—making sure that what’s in the frame is what i really want in the frame and that visually the elements make a strong composition.